A woman is only a woman. But a good cigar is a smoke....

Posted by Reporting Live Stogie Croncite | | Posted On Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 1:09 PM

If you've recently heard this quote on TV then you are in good company. If not you are missing out on a great series on HBO. Tru Blood. This week's episode featured a little blurb about our favorite indulgence. The original quote was from Rudyard Kipling.

Getting on with things. Recently Gurkha held a contest on Facebook for people to guess the outcome of the World Cup Finals. I'm not a soccer fan, yes I said soccer. Before you go and email me correcting me that it's "football" let me stop you and let you know there is only one game of Football and it's played by men and not some skinny dudes who can jog for 3 hours. Where was I... oh yeah so I took a shot in the dark of the Netherlands/Uruguay game and had me name entered in the drawing. Let me tell you that I never win anything but being that there was only one other guy who guessed 3-2 Netherlands I had a good shot. So I say thank you to Gurkha Cigar Company for the 3 finger cigar pouch stocked with 3 Gurkha's.   

Here are today's Daily Deals!

Cigars International- Joe's Daily Deal 

Cigar.com Daily Deal

While not a daily deal FamousSmoke.com offers hourly deals

Cigar Monster

I believe CI (cigars international) is having Joe's Jambalaya today. If you are unfamiliar it is a stream of savings in which a select number of cigars and accessories, say (8) ten packs of Rocky Patel Decades will be offered for $44/ per ten pack. Once those ten packs sell it's on to the next deal. 

Keep an eye out for a review of one of the freebie Gurkha's in the coming days.

Long Ash farewell to you!


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