Nestor Miranda 1989 Oscuro

Posted by Reporting Live Stogie Croncite | Labels: | Posted On Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 1:20 PM

.....and we're back.
Hello again everyone. A few weeks ago my local cigar shop, Bonita Smoke Shop, held a release party with none other than the founder of Miami Cigar & Company, Nestor Miranda. The 1989 is in honor of the founding of Miami Cigar & Company and if the cigar is half as nice as Nestor then I was in for a real treat. Food, Music, Rum, and of course a few free samples were flowing so I made a tough choice between the Rosado and Oscuro. I chose the later and was very pleased with my choice.

Wrapper: Nicaraguan Oscuro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Cost: ~$5.50
Size: 6.125" x 52 (Torpedo)
Strength: Medium

The 1989 has a nice brown oscuro wrapper. Slightly oily to the touch and a vibrant band that reflects the celebration of the founding of Miami Cigar and Co. To the touch it isn't the firmest cigar I've smoked but that could be the combo of long and medium filler that keep this stick to around $5. I turn to my trusty Colbri Slyce for a quick and precise cut of the torpedo cap. The pre-draw settled any construction worries and left me with notes of roasted nuts, cedar, and a slight hint of hay. I give the appearance and construction a 3.5 out of 5.

Ignition and commence enjoyment!

Two puffs into the stick and I threw any draw issue out of the out of the lanai. We all know the wife's not lettin' me fire up in the casa. The first third of the cigar burned well with only a few imperfections that quickly corrected themselves. The fact that I could have sent smoke signals with the amount of smoke made up for the slight uneven burn. The ash was compact and light gray and hung in for the 2nd round (2nd third).

As I round the corner to the 2nd third I notice the subtle notes of cedar, almonds, and a slight coffee taste never changes. Not a complex cigar but there is something to be said about not fixing something that isn't broken. We all know I'm more of a Med-Full fan but for a medium cigar this cigar produces dense creamy smoke that makes up for the lack of a strong finish. With regard to taste and complexity I give it 4 out of 5.

The last third, not surprisingly, was much like the 2nd third. The burn at this point was even without any issues. The last 2 inches or so began to heat up a bit and like a boring conversation I called it quits. As far as burn characteristics goes I give it 4 out of 5.

 I probably wouldn't buy any more than a single at that price but I wouldn't hesitate to pick up 10 for $30 (which I've seen on occasion). In terms of value I give it 5 out of 5.

A go to stick for a gathering with your buddies, after work, or while grilling that slow cooked rack of baby backs. I probably wouldn't dedicate an evening with Mr. Walker, Beam, or Daniels after dinner but a casual gathering calls for throwing on your old Hyper Color t-shirt and firing up a 1989. 

Overall it gets an 82.5, nearly a solid B. Pick one up for you next barbecue or if you see a deal for 10 pass some out to your buddies.

Bite my shiny metal ass!

Posted by Reporting Live Stogie Croncite | | Posted On at 7:26 AM

Hello one and all. Thought I'd brighten everyone's day with a little Bender. 

If you're unaware of Bender, the greatest robot to have graced TV, then your are missing out. Head over to your nearest Best Buy, Amazon, or ebay and pick up the Futurama Series.

Bender reminded me of a good box pressed beauty I smoke a few weeks back. Her name was La Flor Dominicana Air Bender. If you see one pick it up. I don't know if I commit to a whole box but a 5 pack gets a thumbs up. 

While on the subject of animated TV shows Archer on FX was recently introduced to me. Hold on I'll see if I can embed a sample.

There we go! Give it 10 minutes and if you don't chuckle a little then you're excused. I have to say the back and forth from Sterling Archer with all of his douche bag comments is worth the watch. 

Getting back to cigars as promised I will post the review for the Nestor Miranda 1989 Oscuro today. While I get to that check out some Archer on Hulu and refresh Joe's Jambalaya at CI below. See ya soon! 

Cigars International- Joe's Daily Deal Daily Deal

Cigar Monster


Posted by Reporting Live Stogie Croncite | | Posted On Friday, July 16, 2010 at 1:36 PM

Hello cigar enthusiasts. Today started rainy, nasty, and down right miserable. Now the sun is out, the birds are singing, and the HEAT is BACK. I regularly run with the wifey but I'll tell you the 90+ degree heat with the humid South Florida climate makes for a miserable workout. Oh well I'll suck it up to keep the wife happy (and running everyday isn't disagreeing with her figure ;) Wish it was as effective with me but I counteract any benefits with slow cooked ribs and my wife's constant supply of baked goods. Oh well. I was hoping to post a review today for the Nestor Miranda 1989. I met Nestor a few weeks back at my local smoke shop and recently enjoyed the 1989 Oscuro torpedo. Keep an eye out tomorrow. Here are today's daily deals.

Cigars International- Joe's Daily Deal Daily Deal

Cigar Monster

Nanny Nanny Boo Boo, No work for me Thursday.

Posted by Reporting Live Stogie Croncite | | Posted On Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 4:52 AM

No work for me today.;) I'll be out for most of the day so I'll have to wait for tomorrow to put up the review for the Gurkha Evil. So I'll leave you with today's deals!

Joe's Jambalaya Today!

Cigars International- Joe's Daily Deal Daily Deal

Cigar Monster

Update*** This just in CI (Cigars International) is offering 18 premium handmades for $40! Here's the link

A woman is only a woman. But a good cigar is a smoke....

Posted by Reporting Live Stogie Croncite | | Posted On Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 1:09 PM

If you've recently heard this quote on TV then you are in good company. If not you are missing out on a great series on HBO. Tru Blood. This week's episode featured a little blurb about our favorite indulgence. The original quote was from Rudyard Kipling.

Getting on with things. Recently Gurkha held a contest on Facebook for people to guess the outcome of the World Cup Finals. I'm not a soccer fan, yes I said soccer. Before you go and email me correcting me that it's "football" let me stop you and let you know there is only one game of Football and it's played by men and not some skinny dudes who can jog for 3 hours. Where was I... oh yeah so I took a shot in the dark of the Netherlands/Uruguay game and had me name entered in the drawing. Let me tell you that I never win anything but being that there was only one other guy who guessed 3-2 Netherlands I had a good shot. So I say thank you to Gurkha Cigar Company for the 3 finger cigar pouch stocked with 3 Gurkha's.   

Here are today's Daily Deals!

Cigars International- Joe's Daily Deal Daily Deal

While not a daily deal offers hourly deals

Cigar Monster

I believe CI (cigars international) is having Joe's Jambalaya today. If you are unfamiliar it is a stream of savings in which a select number of cigars and accessories, say (8) ten packs of Rocky Patel Decades will be offered for $44/ per ten pack. Once those ten packs sell it's on to the next deal. 

Keep an eye out for a review of one of the freebie Gurkha's in the coming days.

Long Ash farewell to you!

Cuesta-Rey Centro Fino Sungrown No. 60

Posted by Reporting Live Stogie Croncite | Labels: | Posted On Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 11:56 AM

Let me start by saying wow. I say wow because this cigar advertises itself as a med-full flavor smoke the way with a "sungrown" wrapper but was a relatively mild stick. I'm more of a fan of medium to full cigars but I was pleasantly surprised by the "false advertising". The #60 is a 6"x 50 A.Fuente handmade in the Dominican Republic for the Newman Family Cigar Company. A fan of Fuente and the JC Newman cigars I gathered all of my accessories and paraphernalia, aka cutter, torch, and beverage of choice (Jonnie Walker Black this evening), and admired the nicely constructed gem of a cigar by JC Newman. 

An Ecuadorian grown Sumatra seed sungrown wrapper almost boasts about it's Fuente/Newman bloodline with an oily appearance and commitment to uphold the Fuente benchmark. Two gorgeous bands, one of which hung in there with me until quitting time, then came off with ease. The center grown (Centro Fino)wrapper encases the Dominican binder and 5 year aged Ligero long filler. 

Cutting off that beauty of a cap feels like a crime but after doing so the pre-light draw was a sign that good things were to follow. I give the construction a solid 5 out of 5.

Ignition and commence enjoyment!

The first 1/3 of the stick was flavorful with slight peppery nuances a distinct woody taste. A solid dark gray ash developed as the Centro Fino burned. A decent burn at that. A small canoe developed after a few puffs but corrected it self by the 2nd third.

The second third mellowed out in terms of the peppery taste but the woody finish remained and an almond flavor presented itself. Like a champ that ash hung in there like it was enjoying that cigar as much as me. While it burned I noticed some nice changes in flavor but the finish wasn't very long and my palette wasn't blown away. Again could be because I prefer a more full bodied smoke. As far as complexity goes I'd give it 4 out of 5.

The last third of the cigar finished with notes of pepper returning, the almond flavor departing, and a hint of baked bread presenting itself while the woody notes remained constant. Like a good friend it was hard to see the impressive ash say good bye. Unfortunately it jumped ship into my lap instead of the welcoming deep dish ash tray I had handy. Dang it! Oh well, in no way was I letting a little ash distract me from this beauty. I said my good buys to the band at this point and enjoyed a few more puffs before things began to heat up a little. I didn't nub it as I feared doing so would change my opinion of how much I enjoyed this smoke. So with just over an inch and half I laid it down. Like a good movie with a captivating story line and plot, climax, and memorable ending, I give it 4.5 out of 5.

All in all I give it a thumbs up. Whether you're a medium to full smoker or a mild to medium fan you won't be disappointed. At about $6 or less per stick you really can't go wrong with the Cuesta Rey Centro Fino #60. With value in mind I give it 4.5 out of 5.

Overall score is a 90. Pick one up or if you see it in a sampler don't hesitate

Welcome One and All to the Cigar Report!

Posted by Reporting Live Stogie Croncite | | Posted On Friday, July 9, 2010 at 12:24 PM

OK so here's my story....

I'm a hard working RED blooded American living in Florida (Home of the Cigar Capital, Tampa, and the Capitalist Version of Cuba, Miami). I don't like whining, I don't like paying taxes to provide for those who feel that providing for themselves isn't their responsibility, and I don't like Big Government. I am a fan of personal rights, personal freedoms, and personal responsibility. Power to the MEople. I'll get off of my soapbox and continue what I was saying. I was born and raised in Ft. Lauderdale Florida and moved to the sleepy (west) side of Florida in 1999. I say sleepy side because if you know Miami as hustle and bustle then think of Naples/ Ft. Myers as Margarita-ville. Better yet Tommy Bahama was thought up by a resident, who lives down the street from me in his quaint little beach cottage. Where was I. Oh yeah, so I met my wife day 1 of college and after 5 years of dating we got hitched. 
That was five years ago and we now have 2 boys (3 and 1). I've been selling luxury real estate in the vacation town for nearly 8 years and just recently explored my interest in cigars.

That's were you come in, my loyal readers. My weekly tuning in of the Cigar Dave Show sparked my interest and after convincing my wife that my passion wouldn't turn into a daily brigade to indulge she agreed to a few nights here and there.
I don't think she can bare to be without me for the time I'm enjoying a cigar on the lania, oh and she's afraid of the ol' get cancer and not get all granny and gramps with her.

One thing, or should I say cigar, led to another and before I knew it I purchased a 150 count glass top humi and had 30+ cigars from a few samplers on the way. This is my documenting my enjoyment of the various cigars and the libations(drinks) that accompany. I'll try to keep most of the posts cigar related, news, deals on cigars, drink pairing, and occasionally non cigar related posts about things that interest me. I might also throw in a few seared or grilled accomplishments I encounter too. 

If you haven't already go ahead and subscribe to the RSS in the top right corner for updates as they happen or follow me with your google account.